Life Notes
Reflections on the practice of LIFE through the lens of yoga, parenting, adventure, business and home.
A Vessel of Bliss & Drudgery
The drudgery of caring for my dogs leads me to blissful moments enjoying the landscape and sky.
Give the gift of presence to yourself and others
Your presence is the greatest gift you can give another.
A professional mama finds serenity through a playful yoga practice
Transcript of interview with Christina Sloan on the Ritual of Practice podcast. A professional mama finds serenity through a playful yoga practice.
A broken mirror and the luck of practice
A broken mirror. The mirrors we hold for one another. The mirror we create with our intention and practice. Reflections.
Transforming obstacles with myth & grace. The origin story of Ganesh.
Inspiration for welcoming obstacles. The origin story of Ganesh.
Wrap the snake around your belly and keep going
Ganesh and fear. Transforming fear into faith.
Thank you, Sally Kempton!
In honor of Sally Kempton, meditation teacher and prolific writer.
The Ritual of Practice
Show up for yourself