Soaking in wonder

WONDER. I love the way moisture has been hovering low on the mesas, enveloping the rim in a soft embrace. Wonder is a bright morning, with the ground still wet from an overnight rain. Wonder is raindrops falling softly on my mustang, while the sun shines, surrounding us in sparkles. Rain in the desert, always feels like a miracle to me.

Wonder creates an expanse in the heart.

Wonder invites mystery.

Wonder invokes humility.

Wonder, a prescription for dreaming.

Wonder infuses innovation.

Wonder exists in a moment.

Wonder is the expansiveness of a single cell.

Your body is a wonder. The wonder that we are alive, a miracle.

The rain was pounding at the stoplight where our car was paused along the Indian River in Florida. Through the windshield, my eyes registered sunshine. Our vehicle, immersed in the storm, stood idle, waiting for the green light. The rain formed a wall, visible from the way the sunlight provided clarity of individual drops, even at high speed. With awe, we drove through the wall of rain into the sun where it was dry.

The wonder tickled my young mind. This moment expanded my perspective of what is possible. Sometimes life is like that, it reflects something so magnificent, so filled with wonder and grace that it hits my soul and I feel my insides stretch.

I delight in the magnificence of wonder listening to my son breathe in his sleep and feeling the sweetness of my horse’s muzzle. We can drink in, and appreciate, the wonder that surrounds us in any moment.

From another perspective, what do you wonder about? Where do you stretch your perceived bounds with wonder?

Wonder, I wonder if. . .a curiosity which opens the mind to possibilities and choices. This week, I offer the idea of spending a few minutes making a list of what you wonder about. I found a lightness in this practice and plenty of space for humility and humor.


Embrace the pace


This magic moment, increasing capacity.